1 Infant space for MAY 2025 and 2 for July 2025 (3 - 7 mos old). 1 TODDLER space June 2025 (18-24 mos old). 4 toddler spaces (18-24 mos old) September 2025. Call 914-607-7600 to schedule your tour and see why Montessori makes a difference, especially when you start young!    Interested in a career in Montessori education? You've come to the right place. MCC has opportunities for teaching assistants and substitutes. Give us a call to see if you are a good fit for working with our Montessori team today!    Call 914.607.7600 today to schedule a Tuesday or Friday tour to see our beautiful new facility.

MCC DAILY SCHEDULE FOR INFANTS (3 to 18 months) Infant Cove Room

Diapering occurs whenever the child is soiled or wet. Parents provide diapers and wipes and creams, lotions, or pastes. Infants who can stand are diapered standing in front of a mirror with the infant assisting by getting their own diaper, opening the tab of the diaper and helping to undress and dress themselves. We use factual terms when describing the toileting process while we change the infants to show our respect for the child. Sleeping and feeding times are based on each individual infant’s schedule and readiness. Infants wash their hands after toileting, coming in from outside, before eating, or whenever soiled. Infants go outside twice a day and will go out in most weather if parents provide gear. The Peace Room is also available if weather or air quality prevents outdoor play. Caregivers ensure the required ratio of 1:4 at all times. Parents are required to check their child in and out of the ProCare system to enter.

8:00-9:30    Arrival

Infants arrive individually and are greeted warmly and given a daily health check. Children change at their cubby into their inside shoes with assistance in developing independence in taking off their coat, changing shoes, hanging bags, and outdoor attire in their designated cubby. Children wash hands upon arrival. Children are offered breakfast. Infants begin to explore the environment with self-chosen activities.

9:00-11:30 a.m. Self-chosen Activities, Outside, and Morning Nap

Infants enjoy a variety of self-chosen materials and activities in the environment or outside on the infant terrace. Some children begin their first nap. Each infant follows their own schedule of napping, bottle feeding, floor play, tummy time, and interactions with other children and materials. Instrumental music or nature sounds may be played. Children flow between the inside and outside areas. Materials are always available and include a varied assortment of practical life, gross motor activities, sensory experience, manipulatives, books, blocks, and heavy work.  In the event of inclement weather infants enjoy the Peace Room. Adults ensure the group remains in ratio at all times.

11:30-12:00 Lunch

Children who are eating food enjoy a nutritious lunch. Children sit at a low table, family style. Once they are able, they are encouraged and coached to independently use utensils and open cups rather than sippy or straw cups. When finished the child washes their hands. Diapers are checked. Bottles are heated in a bottle warmer (which does not exceed 180) and always temperature tested before serving. Infants are encouraged to self-feed by holding their own bottle if able.

12:00-3:00 pm Naptime

Infant’s individual sleep schedule determines their napping schedule throughout the day. Those children who take one nap per day have their nap.  Awake children enjoy quiet activities with the caregiver. Infants sleep in low beds with sheets and one sleep aid (lovey) provided from home. Infants sleep in low beds with sheets and any sleep aids (lovies, pacifiers, etc.) provided from home. The bedding is sent home weekly to be washed on Fridays or whenever soiled. Bedding is sent home weekly to be laundered. Beds are not shared and are cleaned on Fridays.

1:30-2:30 Self-Chosen Activities and Outside

Infants begin to awaken and are encouraged to choose work. They may go outside on the terrace or on a walk with a caregiver to the MCC park. Infants fall asleep and awaken on their own schedule. They are never woken up by caregivers but are allowed to sleep as long as they need. As they awaken, the older infants assist with putting away their bedding in their cubby.

3:00-3:15 pm Snack

A nutritionist snack is provided by MCC or parents. Infants sit on low chairs around the low table and enjoy snack family style.

3:15-5:00    Activities

Each infant chooses work and organically explores the prepared environment. Group activities such as music, singing, bubbles, and reading may occur. Children are toileted and prepared for dismissal according to their family’s pick-up schedule.

5:00-5:30 pm Dismissal

Children are toileted and prepared for dismissal according to their family’s pick-up schedule. 5:30 is final dismissal. Parents receive a daily sheet updating them on the child’s sleep, eating, and toileting, as well as activities enjoyed and any items needing replacement.

MCC DAILY SCHEDULE FOR INFANTS (3 to 18 months) Infant Sea Room

Diapering occurs whenever the child is soiled or wet. Parents provide diapers and wipes and creams, lotions, or pastes. Infants who can stand are diapered standing in front of a mirror, with the infant assisting by getting their own diaper, opening the tab of the diaper, and helping to undress and dress themselves. We use factual terms when describing the toileting process while we change the infant to show our respect for the child. Sleeping and feeding times are based on each individual infant’s schedule and readiness. Infants wash their hands after toileting, coming in from outside, before eating, or whenever soiled. Infants go outside twice a day and will go out in most weather if parents provide gear. The Peace Room is also available if weather or air quality prevents outdoor play. Caregivers ensure the required ratio of 1:4 at all times. Parents are required to check their child in and out of the ProCare system to enter.

8:00-9:30          Arrival                        

Infants arrive individually and are greeted warmly, talked to, changed. Infants are each given a daily health check. Children change at their cubby into their inside shoes with assistance in developing independence in taking off their coat, changing shoes, hanging bags and outdoor attire in their designated cubby. Children wash hands upon arrival. Infants begin to explore the environment with self-chosen activities.

9:00-10:00        Outdoor Terrace or Peace Room and Morning Nap

Walking children are accompanied outside on the terrace, while immobile infants are brought outside to enjoy the terrace on a blanket or go for a walk in the stroller. Some children may begin their first nap. Children may flow between the inside and outside areas. In the event of inclement weather infants enjoy the Peace Room. Adults ensure the group remains in ratio at all times.

10:00-11:30      Self-chosen Activities

Each infant follows their own schedule of napping, bottle feeding, floor play, tummy time, gross motor exploration, and interaction with other children and materials. Instrumental music or nature sounds may be played. Materials are always available and include a variety of practical life, gross motor, sensory experiences, manipulatives, language activities, books, building, and heavy work.

11:30-12:00      Lunch                       

Children who are eating food enjoy a nutritious lunch. Children sit at a low table, family style. Once they are able, they are encouraged and coached to independently use utensils and open cups rather than sippy or straw cups. Bottles are heated in a bottle warmer (which does not exceed 180) and always temperature tested before serving. Infants are encouraged to self-feed by holding their own bottle if able.

12:00-2:30        Naptime                 

Infant’s individual sleep schedule determines their napping schedule throughout the day Those children who take one nap per day have their nap. Infants sleep in low beds with sheets and any sleep aids (lovies, pacifiers, etc.) provided from home. Low beds and mattresses are thoroughly cleaned weekly on Fridays. Bedding is sent home weekly to be washed on Fridays or whenever soiled. Beds are assigned and not shared and are placed two feet apart from each other.

1:30-2:30          Self-Chosen Activities and Outside

Infants begin to awaken and are encouraged to choose work. They may go outside on the terrace or on a walk with a caregiver. Infants fall asleep and awaken on their own schedule. They are never woken up by caregivers but are allowed to sleep as long as they need. As they awaken, the older infants assist with putting away their bedding in their cubby.

2:30-3:30          Snack   

A nutritious snack is provided by MCC or parent. Infants sit on low chairs around the low table and enjoy snack family style.

3:30-5:00          Activities

Each infant chooses work and organically explores the prepared environment. Group activities such as music, singing, bubbles, and reading may occur. 

3:30-5:30          Dismissal   

Children are toileted and prepared for dismissal according to their family’s pick-up schedule. 5:30 is final dismissal. Parents receive a daily sheet updating them on the child’s sleep, eating, and toileting, as well as activities enjoyed and any items needing replacement.

MCC DAILY SCHEDULE FOR TODDLERS (18 to 36 months) Toddler Sand

Diapering occurs whenever a child is soiled or wet. Parents provide diapers, wipes, any creams, lotions, or pastes. Toddlers are diapered standing in front of a mirror, with the toddler assisting by getting their own diaper, opening the tab of the diaper, and helping to undress and dress themselves. We use factual terms when describing the toileting process while we change the toddler to show our respect for the child. The toddler is offered the option to use the toilet or potty. As toddlers become more toilet independent, they move away from diapers and use underwater (rather than pull-ups). Toddlers go outside twice a day and will go out in most weather if parents provide gear. The Peace Room is available if weather or air quality prevents outdoor play. Caregivers ensure the required ratio of 1:5 at all times. Parents are required to check their child in and out of the ProCare system to enter the building. Walking children are encouraged to walk to and from the MCC building (rather than being carried) to assist in supporting independence.

8:00-9:30 Arrival                        

Toddlers arrive individually and are greeted warmly, talked to, changed (if necessary), and given breakfast. Toddlers are each given a daily health check and are assisted to change into their inside shoes until they are able to change shoes independently. Toddlers remove their outdoor gear with assistance and will begin to hang them up as they become more independent. 

8:00-10:30 Self-Chosen Activities

Toddlers begin to explore the environment with self-chosen activities. They may work independently, with a teacher, or a friend. Materials include a varied assortment of practical life, fine motor gross motor, language activities, sensory experiences, manipulatives, and books. Toddlers are encouraged to be independent in their exploration of the environment, and a helpful adult is always present to assist. Food-tasting activity may occur during this time.

10:30-10:45    Music and Movement

Children may choose to join a group led by head teacher and enjoy a story, music, movement, or finger play in joyful group activities.

10:45-11:00 Morning Snack

Toddlers share a nutritious snack family style and use language to talk about color, shape, taste, texture. The smell and touch the food, using all their senses.

11:00-11:45    Outdoor Activity

Children transition to their outside shoes and outdoor gear and then enjoy unstructured outside play on the MCC park or terrace, supervised by staff. An assortment of large wooden blocks, scooters, see-saws, and balls are available, as well as a toddler-appropriate climbing structure with a climbing wall, steps, and slide.

12:00-12:40   Lunch

Lunch is served family style, with children encouraged to independently use utensils and drink from open cups rather than sippy cups or straw cups. The children are assisted in serving themselves, and if their lunch is lunch supplied by their parent, the child will assist in transferring their meal to a plate or bowl, even if it is pouch food, so the child can use a utensil.  Any leftovers of parent-supplied food are sent home. After finishing, the child carries their dish to the low basin and washes their bowl and plate.

12:45-3:15   Nap and rest

Toddlers sleep in low cots with sheets and lovies provided from home. The bedding is sent home weekly to be washed on Fridays or whenever soiled. Cots are thoroughly cleaned weekly on Fridays. Cots are assigned and not shared and are placed two feet apart from each other. Teachers assist toddlers in falling asleep by rubbing or patting if needed. They are never woken up by caregivers but are allowed to sleep as long as they need. As they awaken, the toddlers assist with putting away their bedding in their cubby.

3:15-3:45 Snack

Toddlers enjoy a second nutritious snack as they awaken.

3:45-4:30 Outdoor Activity

Children play outside on the MCC park, terrace, or Peace Room, supervised by staff.

4:30-5:30 Self-Chosen Activities

Toddlers choose activities to engage in and explore. Group activities such as music, sound lotto, singing, bubbles, or reading occur. 

3:30-5:30    Dismissal   

Children are toileted and prepared for dismissal according to their family’s pick-up schedule. Final dismissal is at 5:30. Parents receive a daily sheet with child’s sleep, eating, and toileting that day, as well as activities enjoyed and any items needing replacement.

MCC DAILY SCHEDULE FOR TODDLERS (18 to 36 months) Toddler Sky

Diapering occurs whenever a child is soiled or wet. Parents provide diapers, wipes, any creams, lotions, or pastes. Toddlers are diapered standing in front of a mirror, with the toddler assisting by getting their own diaper, opening the tab of the diaper, and helping to undress and dress themselves. We use factual terms when describing the toileting process while we change the toddler to show our respect for the child. The toddler is offered the option to use the toilet or potty. As toddlers become more toilet independent, they move away from diapers and use underwater (rather than pull-ups). Toddlers go outside twice a day and will go out in most weather if parents provide gear. The Peace Room is available if weather or air quality prevents outdoor play. Caregivers ensure the required ratio of 1:5 at all times. Parents are required to check their child in and out of the ProCare system to enter the building. Walking children are encouraged to walk to and from the MCC building (rather than being carried) to assist in supporting independence.

8:00-9:30 Arrival                        

Toddlers arrive individually and are greeted warmly, talked to, changed (if necessary), and given breakfast. Toddlers are each given a daily health check and are assisted to change into their inside shoes until they are able to change shoes independently. Toddlers remove their outdoor gear with assistance and will begin to hang them up as they become more independent. 

8:00-10:30 Self-Chosen Activities

Toddlers begin to explore the environment with self-chosen activities. They may work independently, with a teacher, or a friend. Materials include a varied assortment of practical life, fine motor gross motor, language activities, sensory experiences, manipulatives, and books. Toddlers are encouraged to be independent in their exploration of the environment, and a helpful adult is always present to assist. Food-tasting activity may occur during this time.

10:45-11:00 Morning Snack

Toddlers share a nutritious snack family style and use language to talk about color, shape, taste, texture. The smell and touch the food, using all their senses.

11:00-11:15    Music and Movement

Children may choose to join a group led by head teacher and enjoy a story, music, movement, or finger play in joyful group activities.

11:20-12:00    Outdoor Activity

Children transition to their outside shoes and outdoor gear and then enjoy unstructured outside play on the MCC park or terrace, supervised by staff. An assortment of large wooden blocks, scooters, see-saws, and balls are available, as well as a toddler-appropriate climbing structure with a climbing wall, steps, and slide.

12:00-12:30   Lunch

Lunch is served family style, with children encouraged to independently use utensils and drink from open cups rather than sippy cups or straw cups. The children are assisted in serving themselves, and if their lunch is lunch supplied by their parent, the child will assist in transferring their meal to a plate or bowl, even if it is pouch food, so the child can use a utensil.  Any leftovers of parent-supplied food are sent home. After finishing, the child carries their dish to the low basin and washes their bowl and plate.

12:30-3:00  Nap and rest

Toddlers sleep in low cots with sheets and lovies provided from home. The bedding is sent home weekly to be washed on Fridays or whenever soiled. Cots are thoroughly cleaned weekly on Fridays. Cots are assigned and not shared and are placed two feet apart from each other. Teachers assist toddlers in falling asleep by rubbing or patting if needed. They are never woken up by caregivers but are allowed to sleep as long as they need. As they awaken, the toddlers assist with putting away their bedding in their cubby.

3:15-3:30 Snack

Toddlers enjoy a second nutritious snack as they awaken.

3:30-4:15 Outdoor Activity

Children play outside on the MCC park, terrace, or Peace Room, supervised by staff.

4:15-5:30 Self-Chosen Activities

Toddlers choose activities to engage in and explore. Group activities such as music, sound lotto, singing, bubbles, or reading occur. 

3:30-5:30    Dismissal   

Children are toileted and prepared for dismissal according to their family’s pick-up schedule. Final dismissal is at 5:30. Parents receive a daily sheet with child’s sleep, eating, and toileting that day, as well as activities enjoyed and any items needing replacement.

MCC DAILY SCHEDULE FOR TODDLERS (18 to 36 months) Toddler Sun Room

Diapering occurs whenever a child is soiled or wet. Parents provide diapers, wipes, any creams, lotions, or pastes. Toddlers are diapered standing in front of a mirror, with the toddler assisting by getting their own diaper, opening the tab of the diaper, and helping to undress and dress themselves. We use factual terms when describing the toileting process while we change the toddler to show our respect for the child. The toddler is offered the option to use the toilet or potty. As toddlers become more toilet independent, they move away from diapers and use underwater (rather than pull-ups). Toddlers go outside twice a day and will go out in most weather if parents provide gear. The Peace Room is available if weather or air quality prevents outdoor play. Caregivers ensure the required ratio of 1:5 at all times. Parents are required to check their child in and out of the ProCare system to enter the building. Walking children are encouraged to walk to and from the MCC building (rather than being carried) to assist in supporting independence.

8:00-9:30 Arrival                        

Toddlers arrive individually and are greeted warmly, talked to, changed (if necessary), and given breakfast. Toddlers are each given a daily health check and are assisted to change into their inside shoes until they are able to change shoes independently. Toddlers remove their outdoor gear with assistance and will begin to hang them up as they become more independent. 

8:00-10:30 Self-Chosen Activities and self served snack.

Toddlers begin to explore the environment with self-chosen activities. They may work independently, with a teacher, or a friend. Materials include a varied assortment of practical life, fine motor gross motor, language activities, sensory experiences, manipulatives, and books. Toddlers are encouraged to be independent in their exploration of the environment, and a helpful adult is always present to assist. Snack is offered. Children serve themselves individually. Food-tasting activity may occur during this time.

10:30-10:45    Music and Movement

Children may choose to join a group led by head teacher and enjoy a story, music, movement, or finger play in joyful group activities.

10:45-11:45    Outdoor Activity

Children transition to their outside shoes and outdoor gear and then enjoy unstructured outside play on the MCC park or terrace, supervised by staff. An assortment of large wooden blocks, scooters, see-saws, and balls are available, as well as a toddler-appropriate climbing structure with a climbing wall, steps, and slide.

11:45-12:15   Lunch

Lunch is served family style, with children encouraged to independently use utensils and drink from open cups rather than sippy cups or straw cups. The children are assisted in serving themselves, and if their lunch is lunch supplied by their parent, the child will assist in transferring their meal to a plate or bowl, even if it is pouch food, so the child can use a utensil.  Any leftovers of parent-supplied food are sent home. After finishing, the child carries their dish to the low basin and washes their bowl and plate.

12:15-3:15   Nap and rest

Toddlers sleep in low cots with sheets and lovies provided from home. The bedding is sent home weekly to be washed on Fridays or whenever soiled. Cots are thoroughly cleaned weekly on Fridays. Cots are assigned and not shared and are placed two feet apart from each other. Teachers assist toddlers in falling asleep by rubbing or patting if needed. They are never woken up by caregivers but are allowed to sleep as long as they need. As they awaken, the toddlers assist with putting away their bedding in their cubby.

3:15-3:30 Snack

Toddlers enjoy a second nutritious snack as they awaken.

3:30-4:15 Outdoor Activity

Children play outside on the MCC park, terrace, or Peace Room, supervised by staff.

4:15-5:30 Self-Chosen Activities

Toddlers choose activities to engage in and explore. Group activities such as music, sound lotto, singing, bubbles, or reading occur. 

3:30-5:30    Dismissal   

Children are toileted and prepared for dismissal according to their family’s pick-up schedule. Final dismissal is at 5:30. Parents receive a daily sheet with child’s sleep, eating, and toileting that day, as well as activities enjoyed and any items needing replacement.

MCC DAILY SCHEDULE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD (36 months to 6 years) EC Meadow Room

All EC children are no longer in diapers, including during nap. Toileting occurs individually. Children wash their hands after toileting, coming in from outside, before eating, after blowing their noses, or whenever they are soiled. Meadowlarks and Mountaineers go outside twice a day and will go out in most weather as long as parents provide gear. The Peace Room is also available in the event that weather or air quality prevents outdoor play. Caregivers ensure the required ratio at all times. Parents are required to check their child in and out of the ProCare system in order to gain entry into the building. Children are encouraged to walk to and from the MCC building (rather than being carried) to assist in supporting independence. During the day at MCC, children work individually or with friends and find purpose and joy through meaningful actions, taking responsibility, assisting others, being in community, and in the discovery of new ideas, skills, connections, and abilities.

8:00-9:30 Arrival

Children arrive individually, are greeted warmly, and are given a daily health check. They remove their outside shoes and gear and put on their inside shoes.   Breakfast and morning snack are available for children to help themselves and enjoy at 2-person snack table until 10:00 am. Children are encouraged to wash dishes afterward.

8:00-11:00 Self-Chosen Work

The children choose work and activities and engage with materials individually, with friends, or have a presentation from a teacher. Older children have work folders to collect their completed work. Children move freely about the room and may choose to work on a rug on the floor or at a table. The Montessori curriculum is both broad and deep and offers a wide assortment of practical life, gross motor activities, sensory experiences, manipulatives, language, reading and writing activities, math activities, geography, culture, books, and art based on the child’s interest and level. Seasonal art project and food preparation may be available. 

11:00-11:15 Community Circle

Music, movement, stories, calendar, and seasonal presentations from the head teacher occur in a joyous gathering of the community. A child may choose to continue working individually or may assist in setting the table to prepare the environment for lunch. The children are individually called at the end of the circle to wash and toilet in preparation for lunch, through a song that helps develop listening skills, patience, and self-control (i.e., listening for the end sound of their name or a song that includes a color they are wearing).

11:15-12:15 Outdoor Activity (EC MT) 11:15-12:00 (EC Meadow)

Children transition to outside shoes and outdoor gear and then enjoy unstructured outside play on the MCC park, field, or trike path, supervised by staff. An assortment of large wooden blocks, scooters, trikes, balance beams, and balls are available, as well as a climbing structure with a climbing wall, steps, a slide, and a large tunnel. Parents supply helmets for each child for riding a trike.

12:00-12:30 Lunch

Lunch is served family style. Children join together to say the MCC special words of gratitude in unison.  The children are encouraged to serve themselves independently. All use open cups and utensils.  If the parent supplies their lunch, the child will assist in transferring their meal to a plate or bowl, even if it is pouch food, so the child can use a utensil.  Any leftovers of parent-supplied food are sent home. After finishing, the child carries their items to the basin and washes their plate, bowl, and cup.

12:45-3:15   Nap and Rest

EC children sleep in low cots with sheets and lovies provided from home. The bedding is sent home weekly to be washed on Fridays or whenever it is soiled. Cots are thoroughly cleaned weekly on Fridays. Cots are assigned and not shared and are placed two feet apart from each other. Teachers assist children in falling asleep by rubbing or patting, if needed. They are never awakened by caregivers but are allowed to sleep as long as they need. As they awaken, the children assist with putting away their bedding in their cubby and may help with putting away the cots. Children who do not nap are required to rest one hour on their cot and then may choose quiet activities in the room. Once enough children awaken, they may go outside or to the Peace Room with one of the teachers.

1:45-3:15  Activity: Children play on the MCC park, terrace, or Peace Room, supervised by staff.

3:15-3:30 Snack: Children enjoy a second nutritious snack.

3:30-5:00 Self-Chosen Work

Children choose manipulative work. Outdoor activities may continue on the terrace. Group activities such as art projects, sound lotto, games, and reading stories may occur. 

3:30-5:30    Dismissal: Children are dismissed according to their family’s pick-up schedule. From 5:00-5:30 children participate in end of day routine, helping to re-set the environment and prepare the class for the next day. The final dismissal is at 5:30. 

MCC DAILY SCHEDULE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD (36 months to 6 years) EC Mountain Room

All EC children are no longer in diapers, including during nap. Toileting occurs individually. Children wash their hands after toileting, coming in from outside, before eating, after blowing their noses, or whenever they are soiled. Meadowlarks and Mountaineers go outside twice a day and will go out in most weather as long as parents provide gear. The Peace Room is also available in the event that weather or air quality prevents outdoor play. Caregivers ensure the required ratio at all times. Parents are required to check their child in and out of the ProCare system in order to gain entry into the building. Children are encouraged to walk to and from the MCC building (rather than being carried) to assist in supporting independence. During the day at MCC, children work individually or with friends and find purpose and joy through meaningful actions, taking responsibility, assisting others, being in community, and in the discovery of new ideas, skills, connections, and abilities.

8:00-9:30 Arrival

Children arrive individually, are greeted warmly, and are given a daily health check. They remove their outside shoes and gear and put on their inside shoes.   Breakfast and morning snack are available for children to help themselves and enjoy at 2-person snack table until 10:00 am. Children are encouraged to wash dishes afterward.

8:00-11:00 Self-Chosen Work

The children choose work and activities and engage with materials individually, with friends, or have a presentation from a teacher. Older children have work folders to collect their completed work. Children move freely about the room and may choose to work on a rug on the floor or at a table. The Montessori curriculum is both broad and deep and offers a wide assortment of practical life, gross motor activities, sensory experiences, manipulatives, language, reading and writing activities, math activities, geography, culture, books, and art based on the child’s interest and level. Seasonal art project and food preparation may be available. 

11:00-11:15 Community Circle

Music, movement, stories, calendar, and seasonal presentations from the head teacher occur in a joyous gathering of the community. A child may choose to continue working individually or may assist in setting the table to prepare the environment for lunch. The children are individually called at the end of the circle to wash and toilet in preparation for lunch, through a song that helps develop listening skills, patience, and self-control (i.e., listening for the end sound of their name or a song that includes a color they are wearing).

11:15-12:15 Outdoor Activity 

Children transition to outside shoes and outdoor gear and then enjoy unstructured outside play on the MCC park, field, or trike path, supervised by staff. An assortment of large wooden blocks, scooters, trikes, balance beams, and balls are available, as well as a climbing structure with a climbing wall, steps, a slide, and a large tunnel. Parents supply helmets for each child for riding a trike.

12:30-1:00 Lunch

Lunch is served family style. Children join together to say the MCC special words of gratitude in unison.  The children are encouraged to serve themselves independently. All use open cups and utensils.  If the parent supplies their lunch, the child will assist in transferring their meal to a plate or bowl, even if it is pouch food, so the child can use a utensil.  Any leftovers of parent-supplied food are sent home. After finishing, the child carries their items to the basin and washes their plate, bowl, and cup.

1:00-3:15   Nap and Rest

EC children sleep in low cots with sheets and lovies provided from home. The bedding is sent home weekly to be washed on Fridays or whenever it is soiled. Cots are thoroughly cleaned weekly on Fridays. Cots are assigned and not shared and are placed two feet apart from each other. Teachers assist children in falling asleep by rubbing or patting, if needed. They are never awakened by caregivers but are allowed to sleep as long as they need. As they awaken, the children assist with putting away their bedding in their cubby and may help with putting away the cots. Children who do not nap are required to rest one hour on their cot and then may choose quiet activities in the room. Once enough children awaken, they may go outside or to the Peace Room with one of the teachers.

3:00-4:00 Snack: Children enjoy a second nutritious snack.

4:00-4:30  Outdoor Activity or Self Chosen Work inside

Children play on the MCC park, terrace, or Peace Room, supervised by staff. Children choose manipulative work. Outdoor activities may continue on the terrace. Group activities such as art projects, sound lotto, games, and reading stories may occur. 

4:30-5:30    Dismissal: Children are dismissed according to their family’s pick-up schedule. From 5:00-5:30 children participate in end of day routine, helping to re-set the environment and prepare the class for the next day. The final dismissal is at 5:30.